Sunday, January 10, 2010


Hello readers!

I am starting off the new year with a NEW Sugar Bites blog and a new email address.

I've been told by quite a few people that Wordpress is a better blog host and that it looks more professional for business type blogs. So I've made the switch! All of the old posts and your old comments made the move over to Wordpress so it's got all the same stuff, just a new address. So from now on, I will not be updating this blog. Only the Wordpress blog. Thanks in advance for joining me in the big move! Make sure to update your bookmarks or your feeds or your readers!

Also, since I got an iPhone, I've been using it to check my email more than my computer. However, Shaw doesn't seem to get along well with the iPhone for some reason. I've had a lot of weird problems with my Shaw email address on my phone. Like if I reply to an email, sometimes it doesn't show up as being sent, BUT it will actually send it once every 10 minutes so it fills the recipient's inbox with the same email over and over! We can't have that! And I also have sporadic problems connecting to Shaw. So I finally decided to give it up and switch over to Gmail.

So the new Sugar Bites email is sugarbitescakes (at) (sorry for the weird format. Don't want spam!)

Happy New Year!

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